First Grade
Throughout our student's First Grade year, we aim to have them successfully complete the following:
Reading/Language Arts Goals:
Orally blend and segment single syllable words
Fluently read grade level words
Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns
Write a sentence using correct capitalization, spacing, and end punctuation
Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story
Ask and answer questions about key details in a text
Math Goals:
- Count on from any given number to 120
- Write numbers 0-120
- Add and subtract fluently within 10
- Identify how many 10s are in a number
- Represent a 2-digit number using 10s and 1s
- Compare 2-digit numbers
- Add and subtract within 20 using a variety of strategies
- Tell and write time to the hour and half hour on both digital and analog clocks
Science/Social Goals:
- Describe how groups of people are alike and different
- Describe symbols, songs, and traditions that identify our state and country
- Show understanding of patterns of the sun, moon, and stars
- Describe how animals use their external parts to help them survive