Cub Club
Cub Club is designed to support families and students in an educational setting for before and after school care.
Dates of Operation
Cub Club will be open every day that school is in session during the regular school year. If students do not have school, Cub Club will NOT be open.
Hours of Operation
Morning Session:
Cub Club will be open for the morning session from 7:00 am to 8:00 am. The cafeteria will be accessible at 8:00 am for school prepared breakfast, or to eat a home prepared breakfast if they choose. Students who have already eaten, may go outside for morning recess at 8:00 am. Students should NOT be dropped off prior to 7:00 am.
Afternoon Session:
Cub Club will be open for the afternoon session from 3:10 pm to 5:30 pm. The students will be able to access an afternoon snack and will have options for social appropriate play for the afternoon time. They may be picked up any time during the hours of operation, but must be picked up no later than 5:30 pm.
Payment Requirements
Cub Club is a paid service at the rate of $4 per hour and is billed on a bi-monthly basis.
Please contact the Webster Elementary School for additional information or to sign up.